February 16, 2003

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm not sure that I can ever forgive you for what you did to our family. Did you think you were doing a good deed by finding the most disturbed kid in foster care and bringing her into OUR home, making her a part of OUR family? Most kids have 9 months to get used to the idea of a new baby, but we had only 6 to get used to the idea of an 11-year-old version of Rosemary's baby. This is not fair, especially since you had been planning the adoption for more than two years before you told us. Helen has brought so much pain and suffering into our house that our family will never been the same again. If I could go back in time and prevent you from adopting her, I would do it in a second.

I still don't understand why you did this. What was missing from our family that you needed to bring in from elsewhere? Why can't you see that Helen is a cruel, heartless, and angry person? She doesn't love us, and she isn't thankful for what you've given to her, and she doesn't deserve to be a part of this family. She isn't capable of forming relationships, even her social worker told you that. Even after two years she doesn't call you 'mom and dad', she doesn't hug or kiss you, and she doesn't turn to you for guidance or support. Why do you still shower her with love and affection? I don't understand how you could favor your adoptive daughter over your REAL daughters. You spend so much time with Helen that you neglect us. It isn't fair.

I know what you're thinking--that I'm selfish. I'm only trying to protect Jenny and Kate. Remember them? They're your real daughters, the ones who need you the most right now. Helen HURTS them, physically and emotionally. Helen is abusing us just like she was abused, but you're too in denial to see it.

Do you need proof? The other day Helen bit Jenny on her arm. Helen is THIRTEEN years old, and Helen is only eight. When Jenny started to cry, Helen hit her across the face, knocking her over- and it even left a bruise by her temple. You dismissed it when I told you what happened, even though Jenny was bleeding and bruised. And that's only one incident out of hundreds. Jenny doesn't trust you to take care of her anymore.

Helen can't hurt Kate and I because we're bigger than her, but that doesn't stop her from cursing at us and insulting us. We try to ignore her when this happens, but then she smacks Jenny around or gets revenge some other way. It was Helen's fault that Kate's hamster is dead. Helen let the animal out of its cage and shut it in the same room as the dog. She laughed at the struggle that took place inside the room. She only thing stopping me from slapping her is the wrath I would face from you.

When I confront you about Helen's behavior, you only say that "she acts the way an abused child acts." You can't possibly think that her behavior is due entirely to the abuse she suffered. I think she is just a rotten human being, without any feelings of remorse or empathy. I can easily see her growing up to be a psychopath and ending up in jail.

I hate you for spending thousands of dollars on Helen's medication and therapy, while I'm searching for scholarships and financial aid. I hate you for exhausting your resources on Helen. I'm going to college next year, then Kate, and eventually Jenny. Helen is 13, Jenny is 8, and they both read at the 4th grade level. Helen will be lucky if she ever gets her high school diploma or goes to Community College- and I don't think she has enough drive to get herself there anyway.

You tell me that the therapy that you are getting for Helen is helping her, but I can't believe it. Nothing can help her. She brags about how she lies to her therapist. She lies to you too. She manipulates you. We'll be lucky if Jenny doesn't end up with "reactive attachment disorder" like Helen. She could get the disorder just from having to live with Helen and suffering your neglect.

This is what I've wanted to say throughout this whole letter: You have ruined our family. It's too late to fix anything. Oh how I wish we could send her back. She has sucked all the joy out of our home. I'm afraid of what will happen to Jenny when Kate and I are both at college.

I am graduating in June, and I am saying goodbye to you and this life which has been a nightmare for the past two years. I just hope I can continue to protect Kate and Jenny from the brutal intruder you welcomed into our house.

Your daughter,