February 9, 2003
I remember it like yesterday. I had a boyfriend
and you had a girlfriend. However, we decided to be
friends. Then one magical day, we both were single.
Thus, we decided to date one another. I must take a
moment to admit that our relationship was great.
We made mad passionate love two or three times,
we talked on the phone all ends of the night, we
supported each other in extracurricular activities, and
we went to a variety of events together. But just like all
good things our relationship had to come to an end. I do
not know why it ended maybe it was the distance in our
schools, maybe you wanted someone else, or maybe I
wanted someone else.
Five long years has passed away and I thought that I
had forgotten about you. Until, today when I saw you
walking your new girlfriend across campus. This picture
made me jealous and angry. I wanted to be that girl,
again. I wanted you for my man, again. I wanted to be in
your arms, again. Now she has you and I am not mad at
her. I am only mad at the fact that I might still love you
or want you in my life. But, I must let the past be put
behind me. All I want is to let you go.
So now I am going to work on gain strength to
continue on and forget about you. One day I will have
the man of my dreams and now I know that he is not
you. I just needed to let you go and breath out and
exhale in. Exhale you out of my life for one last time.
Inhale a new future with a bright light ahead in.