February 10, 2003
Lissa called me the other day. She said that
when she was introducing Drew to you that she couldn't
think of anything to call you except to call you my ex.
And we both got a laugh out of it since its been such a
long time since you were my boyfriend. But I guess you
will always be my ex-boyfriend. No matter how much
time goes by.
I still hate you, even after all of this time. I'm not sure
why; I thought that when I got over you I'd get over
everything- but the way you treated me still haunts me
in the back of my mind and every time I am about to
start a new relationship all of those feelings of pain,
anger, and loneliness come floating back to memory. I
don't think I ever hated anyone until you. There were
people that I didn't like too well, but I was able to
tolerate anyone. I guess that is why I was able to stay in
our relationship for so long. Perhaps I hate you so much
because I loved you so much and you took it all for
granted. I feel as if you have scarred me for life. But I
don't want you to have that kind of power over me. I
don't want your face to come up between me and every
new guy that I meet. I want this all to be over. I want to
forget you and leave you in the past completely.
I just met this great guy the other day Matt. I haven't
dated for months now. I can never seem to bring myself
to commit to anyone anymore and get scared after the
third date and never call them again. But this time I want
to be able to give myself wholly to him like I gave myself
to you. I don't want to be scared to do that. Things are
going really well with him, and I'm very excited for it. Do
you know what surprised me about him? Is that he
doesn't care if I look nice even when he doesn't get to
see me for much time on that day. Things like that
shouldn't be surprising but they are. He doesn't care
that I work in a office with five men. And he doesn't get
jealous when I hang out with my little brother. It's sad
that all of these things bothered you. But that is your
problem. What is really sad is that I let them still bother
Did you know that I was ashamed to hug my brother
in front of you after that day you complained? My little
brother. It wasn't fair that because of you I cheated him
out of my love. It wasn't fair to him to be dragged into
that at all. And because of you I stopped talking to my
older brother; one of my closest friends. Just because
you didn't like the way he joked with you.
I think everyone would be surprised to find out who
you really are. I know that I was. On the outside you are
the Homecoming King every year, the ASB president
and the top varsity player of all the sports you entered.
Everyone admired you for your confidence; but you
don't have any. And you took mine away. You are so
empty and lonely on the inside. You get upset with
anything that you can't control. But I put up with every
bit of it. Because I loved you. I thought that if I could be
the best girlfriend ever to you that you would finally start
treating me well. But there is no way anyone can be the
girlfriend you want them to be. You were so afraid that I
would cheat on you that I lost all of my good guy friends,
when ironically it turned out; you were the one cheating
on me.
I remember the first time you called me "bitch" and
how upset I got. You apologized over and over and said
you would never do it again. But then it became a daily
occurrence. And all of my empty threats to break up with
you were just that; empty. I lived with you cussing me
out because you had brought my self-esteem so low
that I couldn't picture myself surviving without you.
Oddly, it was my self esteem that first attracted you to
me. Is it a game for you to rip it away from someone?
Did you think that if you took mine that you would gain
I hoped that after I broke up with you all of the hurt
would go away. I would stop crying at night and stop
living in constant fear of making you angry. I don't think
there was a day in the last eight months of our
relationship that we didn't have at least one argument.
But none of it went away when I told you it was over;
because you wouldn't leave me alone.
I honestly don't know what would have happened that
night you had me pinned against the door of my
apartment if my brother-in-law hadn't pulled up right
then. All I remember is that I was kicking you as hard as
I could and it wasn't phasing you a bit. After that I
started seeing your car following me around town; and
you showing up at my work. I lived in constant fear of
you. The night I found you waiting outside the store next
to my car I lost it and called your dad. He was always
close to me. I threatened that I'd get a restraining order
on you unless he kept you away from me. I hated to do that to him. I know that it upset him. But I was seriously
scared of what you might do to me.
After that whole "stalking phase" I heard that your
parents forced you to get anger management
counseling. I'm glad. All I ever wanted was for you to be
happy. And since I wasn't able to make you that; maybe
a counselor could. But my life was still in shambles. Do
you know that I broke up with a guy, the sweetest guy I
have ever met, because I couldn't handle him being nice
to me all of the time? I think I got used to the fighting
and making up. I didn't know how to have a relationship
without that.
You made me into such an awful person. I was
always so angry and bitter with you. When I think of you
I still wish that I could slap your face. Just keep slapping
until all of this anger has finally released itself. But I
know that's not the answer. I know that you probably
never even think of me anymore. Which isn't fair since
you still rise in my relationships. I don't want to get my
heart broken again like you did to me. I don't think I
could take that another time. But its been about a year
and a half now since all of this. I've moved across the
country, I have a new job and a new phone number and
I know that you will never find me. I am slowly piecing
my life back together. And I am slowly restoring my
belief in relationships.
You made me into such an awful person. I was
always so angry and bitter with you. When I think of you
I still wish that I could slap your face. Just keep slapping
until all of this anger has finally released itself. But I
know that's not the answer. I know that you probably
never even think of me anymore. Which isn't fair since
you still rise in my relationships. I don't want to get my
heart broken again like you did to me. I don't think I
could take that another time. But its been about a year
and a half now since all of this. I've moved across the
country, I have a new job and a new phone number and
I know that you will never find me. I am slowly piecing
my life back together. And I am slowly restoring my
belief in relationships.
I'm ready to leave my anger and hate behind, Matt.
You'll just become another faceless memory of a boy I
once dated. I wish you the best in your life and your
future. And maybe one day you'll meet a girl who you
will treat like a queen. For your sake I hope you do. I
hope you do find love and happiness and get all of the
things you ever dreamed of. Because I did love you; you
were my first and always will hold that spot. But those
are my last wishes for you. I'm not going to let you come
into my thoughts anymore. And I'm not going to live in
fear of relationships anymore.
I'm finally leaving you behind,
Once Your Baby Girl