February 13, 2003
I’m writing this not to send to you but because
I don’t feel like I have anyone else to talk to. Lauren and
Andrea are so tired of me talking about you and the
situation, if there is actually a situation anymore I
suppose it depends on how you look at it, I don’t even
think they listen to me anymore. Maybe I’m just beating
a dead horse and none of this really matters anymore.
Maybe I’m lonely and that’s why I keep writing, whatever
it is I wish it would just go away. I wish I could just get
over you and move on and be okay with where I am and
where you are and what we were and how we ended.
But that doesn’t seem to be happening now or any time
It’s been nearly four months since we officially broke
up; it’s been two since we’ve slept together. But this isn’t
about the sex, god knows I miss it but that’s not what it’s
about even though I’m sure you think it is. I miss you as
a person. Not just the person who loved me and held
and made me feel better about myself, but also as a
person to just talk to and hang out with. I miss a lot of
things. I miss the random gifts, and the big hugs you
used to give me ‘cause you never wanted to let go. The
soft kisses, and amazing sex. I miss the two o’clock
conversations and lying under the stars. I miss not
having to talk; we were comfortable just to lay their in
silence. I miss that level of comfort more than anything. I
miss going to movies and having someone’s hand to
hold and having someone who would listen to me
babble on endlessly about whatever stupid thing I was
excited about that day. I miss having someone excited
to see me, I miss having someone love me, and I miss
having someone to love. I miss criticizing your music,
and rolling my eyes at your corny jokes. I miss listening
to you play the piano, I miss having someone know me
insides in out. I could close up and not say a word and
you would know what was wrong, I could lie and say
something completely different and you would see right
through it. I miss having someone know everything and
understand, I miss touching your nose and kissing your
back, I miss how we could never really fight, although
we never failed to try. We didn’t even fight when you found out I cheated on you, or the second time. We
didn’t even fight when we broke up, we just cried.
Maybe we knew it wasn’t over. Maybe we knew that
this was going to be an ongoing process. I think it was
probably the fact that we didn’t break up because we
didn’t love each other anymore, ‘cause I did love you
and I know that you loved me. That could be the
problem here; maybe that’s why I can’t move on. I can’t
seem to get over the fact that there’s really no reason
that we broke up other than the fact that I just wanted
freedom. Freedom to go out, to fuck around with whom I
please, freedom to be the selfish bitch that I am. And I’m
sorry that I used you and I’m sorry that you got pulled
into a situation like this one, you never deserved any of
this. You never deserved to be hurt like you were. You
never really deserved any of this, and I never really
deserved you.
I keep saying to myself, well maybe we’ll run into
each other next year and this will all be different, maybe
then it will be okay, maybe then we can be together. It’s
an illusion. I’m not the same person I was when we
were together, and I’m sure that you’re not either,
college has changed me and I’m sure that it’s changed
you. And next year when you’re really in college when
you move down here and you’re on you own it’s gonna
be completely different. All the lack of self esteem is
gonna go straight out the window, ‘cause I know that
you’re gonna do well. You’re a good looking guy and
you’ve got a loving caring personality, girls are gonna be
all over you. And even if we were to run into each other
next year I don’t think you’d give me a second glance.
You’ll eventually hate me, and by the time the year is up
I’m sure that day will have come. You’re gonna want
nothing to do with me. And I accept that, I know that’s
what I deserve.
I want to ask you to drop off my book while I’m home.
But I don’t know if I can. I’m not supposed to be talking
to you period. And the last time you were here, when
you came because you’re a great guy and you were
concerned about me. You said that that was goodbye
again that that was it again we weren’t gonna be seeing
each other again. Of course it seems with us there’s
always one more time. You told me that all my pictures
were put away, that all memories of us were put away,
you don’t talk about me anymore, you probably try not to
think about me anymore. It’s hard to know that you’ve
shut me out of your life entirely. I just want to make a
request to see you again, but its selfish request, and I’m
sure it’s not fair to you. I’ll probably go ahead and
request it anyways, ‘cause that’s who I am; I’m selfish. I
don’t want to be, but I’m sure I will anyways. I just wish
you knew that how truly sorry I am, I know you say you know. I know that you know I’m sorry, I don’t think you
understand how sorry. I don’t you understand to what
degree I hate myself for all of this. I can’t stand that I let
go of something so good. I hate myself. But there’s
nothing for me to do about it anymore. It’s over with and
you’re done.
I just wanted to let you know I sill love you and I’m