February 2, 2003
To Luis,
I hope that what little time we spent together
was enough for you to feel that you have gotten
whatever you felt for me out of your system. You have a
knack for making me feel really bad sometimes.
Although you have been there for me this week, you
know that I still wanted and needed more from you but,
as always, I keep getting the nothing end of “all or
nothing”. FYI, it hurts. I have come to realize that you
and I are an impossibility. As much as I wanted to give
“us” a try, you always seem to find a way to make it so
complicated. No matter what I do, what I ask of you…
something to do, someplace to go, something to eat…in
some way, shape or form, you always find a way to
reject me. I know I deserve better than that and I know
that any other guy would be flattered to go out to dinner
with me or do anything that you never want to do with
me. For as much as you told me that night in April, you
have just taken it all away from me. I thought that we
could just be friends after this and the fact that you still
called me made it seem that way, but the way I am
feeling right now tells me that I can’t be just your friend.
Unfortunately for me, I got too attached and I need to let
go, so I ask that you let me do that.
Tonight I really wanted to talk to you, in person,
someplace where we could sit down and talk without
any time constraints or any interruptions but it seems
that it’s not in the cards right now, among a few other
things when it comes to you and I. You leave me no
other choice so don’t be mad at me for writing. Perhaps
these words will come out better on paper anyway.
I am starting a new job in a few weeks and it’s like a
new chapter is beginning in my life. I have plans for my
future, career-wise and personal that, if all goes well,
should be taking off soon. I had really hoped that our
bumping into each other, you following me for 3 blocks,
was a sign of something good coming into my life,
something that was there all along, like some
undiscovered treasure right in front of me but I did not
see it before. I’ll tell you that it was beautiful to hear your
voice on the other end of the line once, sometimes twice a day,
to hear my phone ringing, letting me know that
you were thinking of me at the same moment I was
thinking of you. It was beautiful to be in your arms in a
way I never really imagined it to be…experiencing you,
adoring me. It was beautiful to hear those words from
you that I had no idea existed in your world. I don’t know
how else to express what I feel because, at times, even
I don’t know what that is…and you never gave it a
chance. I know we could have been good together, but
right now it doesn’t even matter. It is obvious, for
reasons known only to you, that it is not me that you
want to be with. Maybe you got what you wanted
already. I know it made you mad the last time I
mentioned that but seeing as that is the only thing you
ever really want to do with me, that is the only thing I
can think of.
I had a dream with you a few weeks ago. It was short
and to the point. You called me up to excuse yourself for
the way you had been acting with me and told me that
you just had to get your head together because you
were “expecting a little boy”. Word for word, that was
basically it. There is nothing keeping me from you,
nothing but you; as I said, only you know why. Hopefully
there is no thread of reality to my dream, unless that is
what you are wanting in your life right now. But I cannot
read your mind, nor can I continue to try to do so. When
you picked me up on Monday and were bringing me
back, I looked at you, you looked at me…I don’t know
what it was but there was something there. There
always seems to be. I know what it is from my end, but I
am never sure what it means from your side. I hate to
walk around with “what if?” in my head especially when I
am trying so hard to get the question answered…but
again, you just won’t give us a chance.
You asked me why, after Freddy, I didn’t contact you.
In all honesty, I didn’t think you ever wanted me to. That
day you came to my house and nothing happened,
when you left you were bothered by the fact that nothing
happened and after that I always thought you were mad
at me for that. When we stopped seeing each other I
thought that you were mad at me for that day and for
breaking things off. I always thought that you kind of
hated me in some sense because of it. When I saw you
on different occasions after that I always felt kind of
resented by you. I never imagined that you felt the way
you said you did; I really didn’t. I had no idea. It seems
to me that what you felt is in the past because I cannot
imagine feeling what you said you felt for someone and
then having a second chance and just pushing it away
like it means nothing. Don’t get me wrong, I really do
appreciate you coming through for me this week,
coming to get me and taking me home…I thank you,
again. But, then you leave and it’s over. It hurts to see
My goal here is not to have you call me or try to fix
things or make anything up. I just wanted you to know
how I feel because you have really hurt me and I don’t
know how else to let you know. You know that I’d walk
“a thousand miles” to see you and be with you, that I
miss you when you are not with me. You know that I
would not waste your time and try to make the most of
what little time I do spend with you, whether it is dinner
– which you always reject – or a glass of water. Then
you leave. I don’t need reparation; I just need clarity and
honesty. I need you to know how I feel because it hurts
more to hold it in. You must see something when you
look in my eyes, you probably just don’t know what to
make of it. Well, it’s called hurt. Yes, I know you said you
didn’t want that to happen but, guess what? Done.
You probably should have let me drive away without
seeing you that day. You probably should not have
asked me out if you knew that you could not give me
what I would want, eventually. Knowing me so well, you
should have known that I could not just sleep with you
and not feel something, eventually. Why didn’t you just
let me drive away? You can’t give me what I want or
need so it’s best for us not to contact each other
anymore. That was my intention when I told you I
couldn’t do this anymore, not to call you anymore.
As you know, I didn’t. But you still called. I wondered
why? I still do. Why not just let me go? Why kiss me
when you left the other day? Why not just go and call it
a day? I don’t understand you. Maybe one day when
you decide what you want and who you want, you will
let me know. Until then, I will “cut my losses”, as you
say, and start this new chapter in my life with no regrets.
I don’t regret being with you, I don’t regret kissing you, I
don’t regret making love with you…I will just regret that
which is out of my hands. I wish you happiness and no, I
don’t hate you. I am sure you have enough examples of
my affections to let you know how I really felt about
you…you know I was crazy for you. Just put yourself in
my place and try to understand.
I can’t take you with me, against your
will, so I have to let you go.