February 24, 2003
To the one who will never know,
My heart is full of emotions for you, and there
are moments when it feels as though it will explode, and
yet I can never find the right way to say this. I'm hoping
that this time it will come out right, or at least close to
what i really want to say. This is about the tenth time
that I've sat here trying to write you this letter, trying to
unwrap my heart and let you see inside of me,
something I wish I could do face to face.
There are times when I question the way I feel for
you, which would be almost all the time and probably
due to my state of continual confusion. Confusion about
my life, who my friends are, who you are. I barely know
you, so why do you have this affect on me? Why does it
feel as though someone hit the pause button on my
heart whenever I hear you name? Why do I want to hear
your voice on the other end when the phone rings? This
is probably some childish infatuation, a little crush right?
I tell myself that often. I tell myself that I'll just forget
about you and move on, but the more I talk to you, is the
deeper I fall for you.
I don't want to be hurt, I know how it feels. Everyday
when I come home and look at my life I'm hurt, when I
see my mother crying because of things my father says
I'm hurt and although I know that I don't need more pain
and that feeling whatever it is I feel for you may very
well lead there, I still want to be with you. But I know
what I need and although I want you, I'll try and forget
what we might have had.